Within ongoing processes of religious pluralisation across Europe materialized religion, in the form of religious icons in public space, is becoming increasingly important.

Focusing on religious icons as both triggers of encounter between different religious traditions and between the religious and the secular, the main question of the project is to understand how mental imaginaries of such encounters are expressed and evoked by religious icons.
The project team analyses and documents both religious icons and icons that explicitly depict motifs of religious encounter from the three European capital cities of Amsterdam, Berlin, and London. A travelling exhibition investigates creative approaches to knowledge transfer, presenting a bundle of diverse materials (photographs, objects, maps, texts) that attempt to mediate the relevance of exhibitions within discourses on religious diversity.
For the initial exhibition outline by the research team, click here.
The Urban Sacred is an exhibition produced in association with the HERA project "Iconic Religion. How Imaginaries of Religious Encounter Structure Urban Space".

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 291827.